2024-2025 Information
Dress Code
Students enrolled in the training program at Central Oregon School of Ballet need to follow the Dress Code. Every level has a specific dress code. The dress code is a symbol of accomplishment and responsibility that goes along with advancement in the program. Students who do not abide by the dress code will not be allowed to participate in class.
All classes are required to have the same brand and style of leotard in the designated color. The correct leotard is the Mirella Cotton Camisole Leotard – product number M207C (for child sizes) and M207L (for adult sizes.) NO JEWELRY (This includes watches, bracelets, necklaces, etc.) Ballet attire, like swimsuits, are worn without undergarments. For good hygiene purposes, students should not wear underwear or training bras. If additional undergarments are needed, they should be in flesh tones.
Ballet attire meeting dress code requirements can be purchased locally at Move It Dancewear.
Recreational Division Dress Code All Levels
Girls: Black Leotard, Pink Tights, Pink Ballet Flats. (Ballet skirts are allowed but not required)
Boys: White form fitting t-shirt, dance briefs, Black Shorts or Black Joggers, Black socks, Black Ballet Shoes.
Performance Division Dress Code
Pre-Ballet – Girls will need Pink Tights, Pink Ballet Slippers & any color Ballet Leotard (skirts and tutus are allowed if pre-attached to the leotard)
Beginning Ballet 1 – Pale Pink Mirella Cotton Camisole Leotard (product number M207C), Pink Tights & Pink Ballet Slippers
Beginning Ballet 2 – Lilac Mirella Cotton Camisole Leotard (product number M207C), Pink Tights & Pink Ballet Slippers
Beginning Ballet 3 – Light Blue Mirella Cotton Camisole Leotard (product number M207C) , Pink Tights & Pink Ballet Slippers, White Hip Alignment Belt
Intermediate Ballet 1 – Buttercup Mirella Cotton Camisole Leotard (product number M207C for child, M207L for adult) , Pink Tights & Pink Ballet Slippers, White Hip Alignment Belt
Intermediate Ballet 2 – Garnet Mirella Cotton Camisole Leotard (product number M207L), Pink Tights & Pink Ballet Slippers, White Hip Alignment Belt
Intermediate Ballet 3 – Burgundy Mirella Cotton Camisole Leotard (product number M207L), Pink Tights & Pink Ballet Slippers, White Hip Alignment Belt
Intermediate Ballet 4 – Royal Blue Mirella Cotton Camisole Leotard (product number M207L), Pink Wrap Skirt, Pink Tights & Pink Ballet Slippers White Hip Alignment Belt
Boys in Beginning Ballet – Intermediate Ballet – form fitting White T-Shirt (no logos), Black Tights, Dance Belt, & Black Ballet Shoes.
Advanced Ballet
Required Dress Code: Navy Mirella Cotton Camisole Leotard (product number M207L), Pink Wrap Skirt, Light Pink Hip Alignment Belt, Pink Tights, Pink Ballet Slippers and Pointe Shoes.
*Winter Alternate Dress Code: ¾ Sleeve Solid Navy Cotton Leotard (Mirella, Bloch, or Capezio – No Sheer Sleeves), Pink Wrap Skirt, Light Pink Hip Alignment Belt, Pink Tights, Pink Ballet Slippers and Pointe Shoes.
Required Dress Code: Form fitting Black or White T-Shirt or Tank top (no logos), Black Tights, Dance Belt, & Black Ballet Shoes.
*Alternate Dress code option 1: White Shirt, Grey Tights, White Calf-length Socks, with White Shoes.
*Alternate Dress code option 2: Black Shirt, Grey Tights, Black Calf-length Socks, with Black Shoes.
*All Advanced dancers are expected to have the required dress code. The alternate dress code is optional.
Students will be allowed to wear form fitting ballet warm-ups through tendus or at the discretion of the instructor.
Female students are required to have their hair in a tidy ballet bun, with no whispies or hair on the face. Male students are required to keep hair off their face / out of their eyes.
Attendance Policies
Students make the most progress when they attend dance classes regularly. Consistent attendance is essential to the success of a ballet dancer.
- There are no refunds for missed classes.
- Classes will not be prorated based on known absences.
- A parent or guardian needs to call in advance to let the studio know their student will be missing class and the absence will be excused. Absences can be excused up to 24 hours later by a Parent or Guardian. After 24 hours it will be considered an unexcused absence.
Please be considerate of the studio’s schedule when excusing your child. Events and appointments that are known well ahead of time should be communicated to the studio a.s.a.p.
Late Policies:
- If a student is 1-2 minutes late: We ask them to quietly and patiently wait by the classroom door until they are invited to come in and join the class.
- If a student is 8-14 minutes late: They are given instructions to complete a series of combinations to help warm up their muscles before joining whatever combination the class is on.
- If a student is 15 or more minutes late: It is considered not safe for them to join classwork. The class will have progressed too far for them to be able to warm up enough to join the class without the risk of injury from cold muscles. At this point, they are immediately invited to observe the remainder of the class period.
Make-up Classes:
- Students can make up an excused absence in a lower-level class within 30 days of the class they missed. Unexcused absences can not be made up.
- Students can make up class in a higher-level class with director permission only.
- Students with overdue accounts will not be allowed to do make-up classes.
For Students on Pointe: If you miss a pointe class, the following class needs to be done on flat. Doing pointe for a make-up class will be allowed at the discretion of the teacher for that class.
Class Cancellation make-up
If Classes are cancelled due to weather or any other reason, the class can be made up just like any other missed class or excused absence at any time during the school year.
Multiple Absences
Multiple absences, excused or unexcused, may result in lower class level placement, casting changes, and dismissal from performance or school without refund.
Dancing Outside of COSB:
- Students in the Performing Division (non-recreational classes) are not allowed to take Ballet from other schools.
- Students in Recreational Ballet Classes may take ballet elsewhere.
- All students are allowed to take other forms of dance besides ballet at other schools.
It is in the best interest of young students to study under the direction of ONE ballet technique. Students in the Performing Division who take ballet and perform in ballet productions outside of COSB may be dismissed from the program without refund.
Outside Activities
COSB students are expected to maintain excellent attendance throughout the school year to be in good standing in the school and to maintain their level placement. To maintain a high standard of excellence at COSB, we expect students to have an attendance rate of at least 90% throughout the school year. We have found that some activities (such as soccer, gymnastics, and musical theater) also require a high level of commitment and conflict with our schedule. We encourage our students to pursue their other interests while studying ballet. However, once those scheduling conflicts become common, there will be a point where the student will need to choose whether to continue with ballet or to pursue the other activities.
Generally the school is closed for major holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Winter Break, Spring Break, and Memorial Day. Exceptions will be posted.
Performance Policies
Central Oregon School of Ballet produces 2 classical productions a year. The first is the beloved holiday classic The Nutcracker. The second performance is held in the spring and is classical ballet that changes from year to year. Past Spring/Summer performances have included Cinderella, Copplia, Giselle, A Midsummer Nights Dream, and Sleeping Beauty. In addition, we hold an End of Year Showcase. Students in the Recreational Division perform in the End of Year Showcase only. All Performance Division students are expected to pefrom in the Nutrcaker.The Spring show is for Intermediate and Advanced Levels Only.
- All students in the Performance Division perform in the Nutcracker.
- Recreational Division classes perform in the End of Year Showcase only.
- There are mandatory rehearsals for Nutcracker on Saturdays in November. (Except Sat. after Thanksgiving.)
- Nov. 2nd, Nov. 9th, Nov. 16th, and Nov. 23th, 2024
- If a student is unable to attend Mandatory Rehearsals, they will not be allowed to participate in the show.
- Theater Week, Tech Rehearsals, and Dress Rehearsals are all Mandatory
- There is a Performance Fee.
- Students with less than 90% attendance will not be allowed to participate.
- Students with delinquent accounts will not be allowed to participate.
- Students excused early from class on a routine basis will not be allowed to participate.
Spring Rotating Classical Ballet
- For students in Intermediate Ballet 1 and up.
- Mandatory rehearsal will be scheduled after the theater is booked. Conflicts will be taken into consideration with casting.
- There is a Performance Fee.
- Students with less than 90% attendance will not be allowed to participate.
- Students with delinquent accounts will not be allowed to participate.
- Students excused early from class on a routine basis will not be allowed to participate.
End of Year Showcase
- All Students in the school are allowed to participate.
- Scheduled in the 2nd half of June (This is so we don’t have conflicts with finals, graduations, Father’s Day, etc.)
- There is a Performance Fee.
- Students with less than 90% attendance will not be allowed to participate.
- Students with delinquent accounts will not be allowed to participate.
- Students excused early from class on a routine basis will not be allowed to participate.
Theater Scheduling
Bend La Pine School District only allows events to be scheduled 6 months in advance. Public School programs get booking priority over outside groups. The system of scheduling is very slow. COSB tries to schedule performances as soon as allowed and then communicate those dates to students and their families. Your patience is appreciated.
Volunteering for Performances
Each show takes a great deal of volunteer help. Please consider volunteering.
Payment is due the first week of the month for that month’s lessons. This payment will be the same every month regardless of how many weeks in a month. There will be no deductions for Christmas or Spring Vacations. There will be a $10 service charge on all returned checks.
Private Lessons: Private lessons are paid for at the beginning of the private lesson. If a private lesson is canceled with less than 24hrs notice you will be charged 50% of your private lesson cost.
Registration Fee: All new students are required to pay a non-refundable registration fee of $30.00. Returning students are required to pay a non-refundable re-registration/holding fee of $20 for fall classes.
Performance Fee: All students participating in productions will be charged a performance fee to offset the cost of Theater Rental and costumes.
Instructors and Staff at COSB
We at Central Oregon School of Ballet prioritize and require background check of all staff interacting with students. Please talk to us if you have any questions or concerns.